Cascading Waters With Fire in Westlake,TX
2023 SW Region3 GOLD Award
2022 - PHTA International Silver Award
Project Designed by Mike Farley
Constructed by Claffey Pools

Before & After
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Project Details - Beautiful Swimming Pool Project in Westlake, Tx with Lots of Fire and Water Features and an outdoor kitchen.The pool was on the primary line of sight and draws the eye up the terraced hillside to the fire and water focal points. Due to the orintation also provides views to the dining and master bedroom. The travertine blends with the house stone that was used on all the veneers. The walls and elaborate drain system protect the pool area from hillside runoff. The fingerledge provides safety and frames the stone veneer with matching wall caps. The seat wall helps the transition to the highest wall. Beauty can be found on all the terraces and pull the eye outside everyday even not in swimming weather.