Flower Mound Infinity Pool
With Water Wheel
and Pond
2017 Masters of Design Award -
Best Water Feature
2017 - APSP International GOLD Award
2017 - APSP Region 3 GOLD Award
Project designed by Mike Farley
Bridge & Dam designed by Bill Barry
Constructed by Claffey Pools
Before & After:
Project Details: We needed to work around 3 trees with over 30" caliber trunks. The clients wanted a simple, understated elegant natural setting. The site was terraced to deal with the 30" elevation from the new home to the trees. Gentle curves work the large shallow tanning ledge & diving basin around the trees. Flagstone decking was installed for the pool deck and coping. Tokeep with the natural materials a simpledive rockwasinstalled instead of a board. The spa spillway and water wall were done in a hand chipped stacked slate togive a gentle water sound. Black interior PebbleSheen finish resists stains and adds a deep green to add to the peaceful setting.
The water wheel provides the focal point, fit with the French style and became part of the elaborate drain system for the subdivision. The dry stream becomes a large creek with rainfall so the bridge and cabana engineering created a solution to handle everything. The basin to trap sediment before going to the pond (around other side of pond) also created water for the water wheel. Terraces from the Great Room provided seating areas for large and small gatherings where you can try to take in all of the owner's dream and more.